The aesthetic attributes of wood
Wood has dual properties of matter and matter. Its physical properties are the physical and chemical properties of wood materials. When wood is used as a material, the material properties of wood are used.
However, in addition to the wood material properties, also has the attribute of non substance, such as wood fragrance, medicinal value of wood, wood products, historical, cultural and artistic value, these are intangible property belongs to the wood. The intangible property of wood can also be exploited, and the development and utilization of intangible property of wood, without consumption of wood material, and thus will not cause any damage to the forest resources, is the ideal state of wood resource utilization.
The aesthetic property of wood is one aspect of the non physical properties of wood. The so-called timber aesthetics, is the study of the nature of wood and its development and utilization of technical disciplines.
Aristotle believes that the main form of beauty is order, balance and clarity". Symmetrical equilibrium can give a heavy, safe and unified visual psychological effect. "A symmetrical image looks more solid and more stable," Aas Haim said". Symmetry and equilibrium complement each other, and they are a form of order in nature.
"Too simple patterns may not attract attention," Gombrich said. "But too complex can be dazzling."". Change is a contrast, a jump, novelty and rich sense of unity in the vision; it can increase the harmony, balance, rhythm beauty.
Change and unity, the two complement each other, to form a new order, pay attention to the change of time and space combination in repeated movement, the experience of the objective law of development of things, evokes a sense of beauty. This kind of rhythm with aesthetic sense is not only an objective and subjective unity, but also a unity of sensibility and reason.