热门关键词: 办公家具
01 01 餐厅桌椅要保持滋润 The dining room table and chair should keep moist 餐厅桌椅的滋润不能靠水分来提供,也就是说不能光用湿漉漉的抹布简单地擦拭,而是应该选用专业的家具护理精油,它蕴含容易被木质纤维吸收的天然香橙油,可锁住木质中的水分,防止木质干裂变形,同时滋养木质,由里到外令木质家具重放光彩,延长餐厅桌椅的使用寿命。 Can't rely on water to provide dining tables and chairs, that is to say, simply can't light with wet dishcloth to wipe, but should choose the furniture of a professional nursing essential oil, it is easy to be absorbed by the wood fiber natural orange oil, can lock the moisture in wood, prevent weather-shack wood deformation, nourish the wood at the same time, by inside and outside the woodiness furniture replay, prolong the service life of the dining room. 02 02 餐厅桌椅要避免阳光直射 The dining room table and chair should avoid direct sunlight 如果精美的餐厅桌椅一直暴露在日晒之中,容易局部褪色影响光泽、美观,木质过于干燥,容易出现裂缝。 If delicate dining room table and chair is exposed in the sun, easy local fade affects luster, beautiful, woodiness is too dry, prone to crack. 03 03 餐厅桌椅要防止灰尘 The dining room table and chair should prevent dust 一般用红木、柚木、橡木、胡桃木等制作的比较高档的原木餐厅桌椅都有精美的雕花装饰,如不能定期清洁除灰,细小缝隙中容易积灰影响美观,同时灰尘更是让木制餐厅桌椅迅速变老的杀手。 General with annatto, teak, oak, walnut and so on make the comparison of high-grade restaurant log tables and chairs are exquisite decoration of carve patterns or designs on woodwork, such as not clean regularly ash, tiny crack in the deposited easily affect beautiful, at the same time dust is to let a wooden dining room quickly grow old killer. 04 04 餐厅桌椅要定期打蜡 The dining room table and chair should be waxed regularly 每隔3个月,为家具上一层蜡。家具在使用上光蜡前,要检查一下漆层表面是否完好无损。对较新的实木家具,要先用细棉布将表面灰尘擦净,然后用一小块棉布沾适量上光蜡大面积涂开,再用一块大些的干布按圆周形分块将蜡擦均匀,以不留下痕迹为标准。如果蜡用得太多,不但会留下条纹和斑纹,影响光泽,时间久了,还会软化漆层并不易去除掉。而且,上蜡之前,应先用较温和的非碱性肥皂水将旧蜡抹除,且上蜡不可太密集,否则会堵塞木头的毛细孔。 Every three months, the furniture is covered with wax. Before using the polish, check the surface of the coat to be intact. For newer solid wood furniture, use fine cotton cloth to surface dirt rub-up, then use a small piece of cotton cloth wax polish out large area, with a larger piece of dry cloth again according to the circular form cent will wax brush evenly, on the basis of don't leave a mark. If wax is used too much, it will not only leave streaks and stripes, but it will also soften the paint and soften the paint. In addition, before waxing, should use mild non-alkaline soap water to remove old wax, and the wax is not too dense, otherwise it will block the capillaries of wood.
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